MoonBeam3 COVID-19 Live Strain Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test Performed by Fujita Health University
SEPTEMBER 15, 2020
Moonbeam™3 is the first and only UV-C 254 nanometer system proven to destroy SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus). And in under 4 seconds!
OCTOBER 2, 2020

I-Team: High-tech fight to kill
COVID-19 with MoonBeam3
MARCH 30, 2020
(WJW) — The FOX 8 I-TEAM shows how a local company is helping to lead a high-tech fight against the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

Daylight Medical in the news
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- Cleveland RTA earns award for technology used during COVID-19
- St. Mary Medical Center uses innovative UVC disinfection technology
- 19 News Cleveland: Northeast Ohio company develops technology to combat COVID-19
- Vertical Magazine: Study confirms effectiveness of MoonBeam3 UV-C device against coronavirus
- Vertical Magazine: Portable UV-C technology provides a better way to disinfect air ambulances
- Vertical Magazine – Introducing MoonBeam3: The faster, simpler way to disinfect your air ambulance
- 19 News Cleveland: 3 additional RTA employees test positive for coronavirus; 5 have fully recovered and returned to work
- News 5 Cleveland: RTA employee tests positive for COVID-19, brings total to 14
- FOX 8 Cleveland: RTA to begin using technology featured by I-Team to clean buses, trains and stations
- Greater Cleveland RTA hopes $36,000 in ultraviolet-C light technology will combat COVID-19 coronavirus, but not sure
- Rotary donates mobile disinfection unit to Berea Fire Department: Community Voices
- WKYC 3 Cleveland: RTA installs vinyl barriers for protection between operators & customers
- Channel 19 News: 3 additional RTA employees test positive for coronavirus; 5 have fully recovered and returned to work
- The Bristol Press: Bristol Hospital using ultraviolet light to help disinfect patient rooms
- News Channel 5 Cleveland: RTA employee tests positive for COVID-19, brings total to 14
- Mass Transit article: RTA to begin using UV-C technology as part of its cleaning protocol
- MEDSCAPE: News & Perspective article
UV-C effective against COVID-19
- 19 News Cleveland: Northeast Ohio company develops technology to combat COVID-19
- PRESS RELEASE: Moonbeam™3 is the first and only UV-C 254 nanometer system proven to destroy SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus). And in under 4 seconds!
- LEDs Magazine: IUVA Releases Fact Sheet on UV Disinfection for COVID-19
- BBC: Can you kill coronavirus with UV light?
- APSF: Potential Processes to Eliminate Coronavirus from N95 Masks
- IUVA: IUVA Fact Sheet on UV Disinfection for COVID-19