Infectious disease: A serious concern demands a serious solution
Long-term care, assisted living, skilled nursing, and nursing homes were hit hard during the pandemic. Infectious breakouts are a major event affecting residents, patients, and staff, compromising care and the bottom line.
UNTIL NOW, traditional disinfectant technologies have not kept pace with the urgent need for efficacy, cleaning, safety and sustainability.
Daylight Medical delivers a modern approach with chemical and germicidal UV-C technologies that provide best practice standards for better outcomes and ROI.
Achieve the New Standard for environmental safety as the basis for optimized care. Employ a multi-modal “evidence-based, proven strategy” to achieve effective disinfection and reduction of HAI/HAC.

Prevention Strategies & Tools to Combat Infection
- Leading-edge principles & best practices derived from risk & evidence-based strategies
- Safeguard staff, residents & visitors with powerful germicidal UV-C protection
- Fast, simple & effective use motivates staff to improve cleaning protocols
- Independent, 3rd-party lab-tested against the widest range of pathogens, up to 99.9999% in 3-10 minutes
- Create an ROI: Emerge from the competition, maintain bed capacity & staffing levels
The American Journal of Infection Control notes that combining UV-C technology with manual cleaning is one of the most effective ways to significantly decrease harmful pathogens that cause infection.
Diversey MoonBeam3™ and Oxivir 1 & Tb (AHP), distributed by Daylight Medical, combine to deliver powerful, fast and highly effective disinfection. Oxivir delivers a powerful one-minute disinfection and UV-C germicidal light follows to target broad area disinfection of high-touch surfaces in as little as three minutes.
of our BEST PRACTICES for environmental hygiene & infection prevention and control in Skilled Nursing, Long-Term Care & Assisted Living facilities and Request a Demo:
Easy to implement, highly effective and affordable, MoonBeam3 enhances manual cleaning by reducing the risk of human error, adding a level of disinfection assurance to create a safer environment of care by breaking the chain of infection. The Daylight difference: An effective part of 5-star rating methodology to improve health Inspections and quality measures.

Shed UV-C light on improved facility performance MoonBeam3 is a valued element of the entrusted custody of care during the pandemic and beyond!
• Standardizes on a best practice to disinfect and contain potential infectious transfer that provides an environment of optimized care and safety.
• MoonBeam3 and highly effective Oxivir AHP chemical disinfection combine to improve patient care, treatment practices, living conditions, and employee/resident safety.
• Maintaining fully occupied status validates your commitment to optimal safety, promotes an exceptional approach to quality care, helps maximize ROI and highlights an unmatched attention to detail that helps you outshine the competition
• Demonstrates a modern approach to disinfection that validates how much you care and respect the health, safety and welfare of your staff, residents and the SNF community.
• Provides evidence-based proof that follows guidelines for leading-edge infection prevention from the CDC/CMS and TJC.
• Augments antimicrobial effectiveness with adjunctive methods (electrostatic spraying/misting, fogging, UV-C germicidal exposure) that enable targeted, on-demand dosing of germicidal UV-C, when and where needed.
• Timely and accurate routine deployment for enhanced terminal disinfection that’s mobile, fast, effective, and easy to use.
• Eliminates time constraints enabling EVS and first responder cleaning staff to disable pathogens quickly to keep pace with your workflow (three 10-minute dose intervals versus ~30- to 60-minutes).
• Low maintenance system eliminates UV-C bulb cleaning (other solutions require this weekly due to the patented enclosed reflector configuration).
• Enhanced terminal room disinfection using ultraviolet (UV) light in addition to standard cleaning is an evidence-based, BEST PRACTICE strategy that decreases the risk of MDRO (Multidrug Resistant Organisms) acquisition from the environment.
A better approach to better outcomes
The CDC BETR and HHS summary on the “Implementation Lessons Learned From the Benefits of Enhanced Terminal Room (BETR) Disinfection Study: Process and Perceptions of Enhanced Disinfection with Ultraviolet Disinfection Devices”, documents the value of a two-step process for an evidence-based strategy that decreases the risk of MDRO acquisition from patient care environments.
Standardizing on MoonBeam3 UV-C disinfection demonstrates your commitment to safety. There’s no greater way to prioritize the health and welfare of your staff, residents and their families than by elevating your cleaning protocols to reduce the spread of dangerous pathogens. Separate yourself from the competition with disinfection best practices that provide extraordinary assurances to the SNF community. Make a difference in the lives of those that depend on the safety your environment.